Thursday, October 11, 2007

Bad Music, Protection, and Boils

I had three dreams last night!
I was sitting in a music lecture and the professor said she was going to play an exceptionally bad piece of music. She started to play a winderous igloos song, which i quite like, but worst of all was that my friend Jonathan was sitting next to me, and it was a song he had written. Somehow he had not yet realized that it was his song, so i distracted him by playing a game that involved bouncing a ball between us.
I was naked with a former partner, there was a lot of erotic foreplay etc. When it came to intercourse I was wearing so much protection that i couldn't actually feel anything. I didn't have a problem with it though. I thought that if she had a really good time she might want me back.
There was someone with a dense cluster of boils on their back, they were about a centimeter each, and there were perhaps twenty of them in a tight cluster. They were filled with a clear fluid and some kind of embryotic creature, perhaps an insect. I did'nt see the person's face, they were hunched over on a stool and a doctor had a dentist like drill/probe tool. He would push it in between the boil and the skin and the boil would come out, not like a boil would, but as an unbroken, transparent sphere. I was'nt at all creeped out by it in the dream

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