Sunday, October 14, 2007

Preface: I’ve always slept well; so well that I rarely, if ever, remember my dreams. This blog has become a challenge for me. There exists conscious thought now in effort to catalogue whatever I may experience in the night. What I do remember is always disjointed and usually in black and white. So please forgive any vague descriptions, because in all likelihood I only remember two, maybe three short snapshots of my dreams.

From the semi-lucid note I left myself in effort to remember a dream I offer this:
There was a car, snow, my dad, and something had died. I remember whatever had died had at some point been on the car roof. I can’t remember whether it had fallen off the roof or not. I also remember my dad trying to knock of the snow from the edges of the windshield—ya know, the side parts that never get cleared because the windshield wiper blades aren’t long enough.


lander said...

edie. i feel very similar. there has been little remembrance/memories that have stayed with me even though i have intended to record them at first waking. but thank you for yours. very much appreciated.

Morgan said...

my sentiments exactly.

lander and daniel said...

Dreams seem to have a very peculiar existence in our memory