Saturday, October 13, 2007

x-ray vision and the red light

Part of my dream involved a garage sale in which I was selling everything I owned out of a the fort that my roommate and I made under her bed. There was a red tint to everything. I was searching for this one particular item that a strange woman requested. This search took me to an old and very large house. I was looking through closets for the something, there was also a small child that I was supposed to be protecting during this time (from what, I don't quite recall). I woke up several times during my dreams, but it was a dreamy kind of awake, the kind that made be think that Erin's comforter was a man with long blond hair watching me sleep. Entering back into my dream, I was watching some sort of sexually explicit zombie monster movie, except I was inside the screen. There were captions apologizing for the lack of blurry censorship over the naked body parts. At one point a monster started kissing a woman and the whole scene turned to x-ray, which was grainy and generally repulsive in a really curious way. Forgotten bits aside, the dream ended when a family member (one who has recently started to invade my dreams) started criticizing me very harshly. I woke up feeling very strange, angry, and slightly afraid.

1 comment:

lander and daniel said...

Sam, that's an amazingly interesting dream!